Green pass, Bassetti: “Denmark has removed it, no dead boom”

No death spikes in Denmark or England after the elimination of the Green pass or the removal of anti-covid restrictions. This was highlighted by Professor Matteo Bassetti, director of the infectious disease clinic at the San Martino hospital in Genoa, in L’aria che tira. “There hasn’t been an increase in deaths in Denmark and England, returning to pre-covid mortality. The same is true for other countries that lift the restrictions and have not seen a devastating effect after the removal of the Green pass, which has not it’s a security tool but a tool to get people vaccinated, “he says. “I am sorry that in Italy a pro vaccine person cannot be pro openings, it is a derby. Who is for the openings is on the right, who is for the vaccine is on the left: we are paradoxical. I have always thought that the Green pass it was an extraordinary tool to get people vaccinated, I have always supported it and it seems to me that it has achieved its purpose, “he says. “It was introduced in July 2021 and since then the number of people vaccinated has increased by 30%. The goal of the Green Pass was to reach 90% of people vaccinated. I don’t think if we keep it we will get someone else vaccinated, there is a hard core. who will not be vaccinated. From March 31, if the state of emergency is lifted, the Green pass may remain for some activities but may be removed for the majority “, he adds.