Euthanasia, Vatican: “Parliament should keep the Consulta in mind”

The Consulta said no to the referendum question on legal euthanasia, now for the Vatican the Parliament must keep in mind what has been decided. The Pontifical Academy for Life expresses “particular appreciation for the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court not to admit the referendum to abrogate art. 579 of the penal code which prohibits the murder of the consenting party (and would have opened the way to euthanasia) “. Read also “Now Parliament is called to legislate on the issue of the so-called medically assisted suicide, a condition unfortunately already opened by the Constitutional Court itself with sentence 242 of 2019, although limited to some very defined and restricted situations. Parliament – the appeal – will have to legislate bearing in mind this sentence of the Court “. The Pontifical Academy for Life reaffirms” the teaching of the Catholic Church, reaffirms the value and respect for all human life, supports the no to suicide, therefore also the no to assisted suicide, as recalled several times by the Pope. The Pontifical Academy for Life underlines the importance of palliative care, and points out that the Italian law on palliative care (law 38/2010) is still today little known and little applied, while it would be a concrete response to the suffering of many people, for real help and accompaniment “.