Covid Italia, Bassetti: “In the autumn we must expect a new ‘ondina'”

“I think we will have to get used to the idea that we will probably have cases again in October” of Covid. “Because we will not be completely out of it, but one thing is to have a ‘wave’, as we all hope it is, continuing on the vaccination policy, one thing is to have a wave”. So at Adnkronos Salute Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic at the San Martino hospital in Genoa on the coming autumn. It will be “a wave – the infectious specialist hopes – if hospitals have in October-November a certain number of cases comparable to those that existed in the pre-pandemic era, of this virus which at this point for those who are vaccinated it looks a lot like the flu. I believe – adds the doctor – that we will always have a portion of Italians who, despite everything that is happening, will not get vaccinated and therefore we will still have some of these people who will end up in hospital. But – he reiterates – it should not be a wave. We will have undines that will be smaller and smaller the more the number of the general population vaccinated becomes “. As for the hypothesis of new variants “I do not think that Omicron will be so easily replaced by a new variant because – explains Bassetti – it is really very well structured especially in terms of contagiousness, after which the variants in the world of any type of virus and of any type of bacterium there have always been and always will be. But – the expert warns – it is not by bringing the new variant to the front page of the newspaper that you do a good service to people. A good service to people is done by saying ‘however, the vaccines that have been studied and developed on the basis of the Wuhan virus are still able to defend us with the third dose even against the last of the variants.’ This must be the message: the variant does not arrive and we will all die. “No, the variant arrives but up to now there has not been – recalls Bassetti – any variant that has punctured the vaccines”.