Covid today Italy, Civil Protection and regional contagion bulletin 18 February

The bulletin with the covid numbers in Italy today, Friday 18 February 2022, data and news from the Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health – region by region – on coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths. While infections are falling as well as incidence and Rt, here are the numbers from Lombardy and Campania, Tuscany and Lazio, Puglia and Sicily. The bulletin of the big cities like Milan, Rome and Naples, the point on the vaccination campaign and the third doses. VENETO There are 4,910 new coronavirus infections today 18 February in Veneto, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 21 deaths, considering the difference between the total indicated yesterday by the Ministry of Health and that present in the bulletin released today by the region. Yesterday there were 5,880 new cases. The total number of infected persons since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to 1,292,744, that of deaths to 13,679. The current positives are 78,302 (- 4,963). The figure of Covid patients hospitalized in the medical area also falls, there are 1,243, as well as that of patients in intensive care, 111.TUSCANY There are 3,324 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, February 18, 2022, according to numbers and covid data of the bulletin of the region anticipated by governor Eugenio Giani on Telegram. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 3,324 out of 29,619 tests of which 8,846 molecular swabs and 20,773 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 11.22% (58.3% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani, adding that vaccines currently administered in Tuscany are 8,566,883 of which 2,270,068 booster doses.