Fire ferry, commander of the patrol vessel Gdf: “So we saved passengers and crew”

They intervened with “speed” and “cold blood” and managed, in a short time, to rescue passengers and crew on board the Grimaldi Lines ferry “Euroferry Olympia”, en route from Igoumenitsa to Brindisi, devoured by flames. The financiers-heroes of the patrol boat P.01 ‘Monte Sperone’, which was in the area for another intervention, were the protagonists of the rescue intervention off the coast of Corfu ‘and the commander of the’ Monte Sperone ‘, Major Simone Cristalli, he tells Adnkronos those dramatic moments: “Among the passengers, but also among the crew members, there was maximum apprehension. There were people crying, the fire on a ship is a frightening event. We also rescued children very small “. “Our activity started at 11 pm yesterday – he underlines – We were in Greece, in Corfu, towing one of our naval units that had been damaged, and we were sailing towards Italy. At 4.20 we received the call from a ship in difficulty that asked us for help and then proceeded to declare the abandonment of the vessel “. “Promptly – he continues – we used the two service boats we have available and we sent them near the motor ship: first two people were recovered, then the lifeboats, full of both crew members and passengers. , were brought near our patrol vessel and we proceeded to the transhipment. The reaction times were immediate “.” I am fully satisfied with my crew. The Greek Coast Guard, being the only unit in the area, has appointed us’ Osc ‘(on scene coordinator). There was speed and the appointment to’ Osc ‘is synonymous with our centrality in the rescue “, observes the commander. “We are used to operating in high voltage contexts, the study of procedures and a cool head must accompany us – specifies Cristalli – I am proud of what my crew did. The situation was delicate, a fire on a ship is one of the things more dangerous than can happen. “Once the rescue phase was over, it was realized that among the passengers a person, a man who appears to be of foreign nationality, was slightly injured. “On board we realized that a person was ill – underlines the commander Cristalli – He had dark spots on his face, I think linked to the breathing of the smoke from the fire. Among the people we saved there was also the doctor on board, the he visited and saw the opportunity to have him landed. We moved to converge a Greek patrol boat aboard which he was embarked “. “All the rescued people have been equipped with masks and thermal blankets, the situation on board is under control”, continues the captain, explaining that now the patrol boat P.01 ‘Monte Sperone’ is headed to the port of Corfu where they will all be disembarked.