Rome, reprimanded by prof for bare stomach: “He accused me of commodifying the body”

“The teacher did not expressly call me a prostitute, but accused me of commodifying my body, for the way I was dressed”. The student of the Righi high school in Rome says this to Adnkronos ‘reprimanded’ by the teacher because she had her belly outside her with the shocking phrase ‘What are you on Salaria?’. “Everything was unleashed because during an hour in the hole with a partner we were doing a dance to post on tik tok – says the girl -. She entered without saying anything. We sat down again and apologized. point accused me of commodifying my body. And then in front of the vice-principal – denounces the girl – the teacher insisted, raising her shirt and moving in a sensual way to make me understand that she did not want to call me a prostitute, but to protect me. said another thing: that I was selling my body “. The meeting with the vice principal was followed by the meeting with the manager. The teacher, says the girl, “apologized for the unhappy word ‘Salaria’, but not for calling me a prostitute. Because when I asked her what she would say when meeting a boy in short shorts at school she replied: ‘ love?’ and she accused me of wanting to exploit the story “. PRINCIPAL: “I WILL OPEN DISCIPLINARY MEASURE, BUT PROF DID NOT OFFEND” – “I will open the disciplinary procedure against the teacher as a due act, but I hope that this affair can be resolved in a constructive and educational way for everyone, teachers and children”. Cinzia Giacomobono, dean of the Righi scientific high school in Rome, says this to the Adnkronos, hit by the protest of the students for the “sexist phrase” addressed by the teacher to her classmate. “With regard to the student – continues the Director – I will arrange training interventions, such as meetings with the postal police, to make her understand that what she has had are behaviors that no one should implement because they can backfire”. learned of the story “the day before yesterday when the student came to me to report this situation at the end of the morning. Yesterday I listened to the teacher and the school representatives. The story unfolds on three levels: the first insult that the girl believes that she lived as a sexist and that she claims to have received from the teacher, “but that you are on Salaria.” The girl believes that she was addressed as a prostitute and that the same insult would not have been done to the boy with whom she was shooting the video. I would like to clarify that the professor admitted to having had an unhappy exit and reiterated that she absolutely did not intend to influence anyone “, remarks D irigente. “The second point on which the story unfolds is the dress code, so today the boys came in miniskirts and shorts. The topic has been gutted: rather than dress code I would speak of clothing appropriate to the environment, as happens everywhere. We live in a society where you have to adapt to the context in which you find yourself “, he continues.” Finally, there is a third point to consider: the teacher entering the class was afraid that the girl who was making this video too provocative, could make it run on the net. I specify that the teacher in question deals with bullying and cyberbullying, she therefore addresses these issues. Her goal was therefore to prevent the girl from putting on a video, in which she danced to the body uncovered which could have been dangerous. Among other things, highlighting that school is not the place to do certain things. Her intervention was aimed at this. “Is it true that in front of the vice-principal the teacher would have lifted her shirt simulating a ballet?” Yes, to make the girl understand the consequences of her gesture. The teacher did not want to offend anyone, especially a girl who is an excellent student, who participates in school life in a constructive way “.