Covid Lazio, today 680 infections and 17 deaths: May 10 bulletin

There are 680 new coronavirus infections today May 10 in Lazio, according to data from the latest bulletin. There are another 17 deaths. “Today out of over 11 thousand swabs in Lazio (-1,185) and over 4 thousand antigenic, for a total of over 15 thousand tests, there are 680 positive cases (-108), 17 deaths (+7) and 1,463 recovered. Cases are decreasing, while deaths, hospitalizations and intensive care are increasing. The ratio between positives and swabs is 6%, but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 4%. The cases in Rome city are at 300 ” . This was reported by the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato. In detail, in the ASL Roma 1 there are 123 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are six deaths of people with pathologies. In the ASL Roma 2 there are 208 isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known. There are four deaths of people with pathologies. In the ASL Roma 3 there are 39 isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known. In the ASL Roma 4 there are 16 isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known. There are three deaths of people with pathologies. In the ASL Roma 5 there are 68 isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known. There is a death of a person with pathologies. In the ASL Roma 6 there are 67 isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known. There is a death of a person with pathologies. In the provinces there are 159 cases and there are two deaths in the last 24 hours. In the ASL of Latina there are 108 new isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known. In the ASL of Frosinone there are 27 new isolated cases at home, contacts of a case already known or with a family link. There is a death of a 75-year-old person with pathologies. In the ASL of Viterbo there are 20 new isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known. There is a death of an 87-year-old person with pathologies. In the ASL of Rieti there are 4 new isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of a case already known.