Covid Italia, Zangrillo: “Stop psychosis on tampons and masks, return to normal”

No more swabs at the first fever line and the mask outdoors. This is the reflection of Alberto Zangrillo, Vice Rector of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan and director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department of the Irccs San Raffaele Hospital., According to whom “the gradual recovery of normality must be real and must interest everyone. There must be no ‘out of the box’ voices to stand out and respond to one’s self-centeredness “. “Returning to normality – he says – means treating everyone, it means returning to the simplest values ​​of humanity, the first of which is to allow the patient to see their relatives but, above all, to stop swabbing the first line of fever. Today in Milan 9 out of 10 people still wear masks outdoors and this, for me, is not a sign of responsibility but of worrying collective psychosis, the daughter of ignorance, disinformation and irrationality “. The specialist, in an interview with Adnkronos Salute, thus describes his vision of the new phase that is opening, after the contagion curve shot up with the advent of the Omicron variant has changed direction pointing downwards. What will remain after the umpteenth wave of Covid? And what are the priorities now? “The fundamental thing – says Zangrillo, after a silence of several weeks – is to understand that either we start again immediately and really or we irreparably destroy a society, made up of people, businesses, activities but above all of young people who must return to live dreaming and being able to realize their projects “. But the messages must be clear and transparent, he observes, even in dealing with issues such as vaccines:” Those who, like me, work in intensive care, have experienced first-hand the extraordinary role of vaccine prophylaxis which must be everyone’s heritage and not of shouted politics. Otherwise people do not understand and the weakest think of a conspiracy “, he reasons.” My watchwords: social responsibility and common sense “, repeats Zangrillo. And above all common sense, in his opinion, must be applied to the tampons chapter: “The most common consideration I hear is: ‘I am 37.5 in temperature but tomorrow I have booked a tampon’. Where did we lead the flock?”, Asks the expert. . Which also looks at what the world has had to sacrifice to fight Sars-CoV-2. For example in the treatment of other diseases. “We doctors must listen, advise, visit and, above all, assume the responsibility and privilege of treating”, he says. But among the priorities there is also more: now, for the San Raffaele specialist, it is time to take care of another piece of society that has faced severe sacrifices in the name of Covid-19: “The future of the country is the young, if we limit their personal freedom we limit their ambitions and cultural potential. While someone speculated and protected themselves with home working, thousands of young people on the planet were fighting desperately in the world of volunteering and services. Social parasitism must be identified and fought “, he concludes.

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