Drug blitz in Caivano, Europe’s largest drugstore square dismantled

From the first light of dawn, in the municipality of Caivano, in the Neapolitan province and in those of Bergamo, Isernia, Imperia, Benevento, Cosenza, Forlì Cesena and Caserta, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Naples, supported by the territorially competent Weapon Commands, are executing a personal precautionary measure issued by the Gip of the Court of Naples at the request of the local District Anti-Mafia Directorate, against 49 people believed to be close to the “Sautto – Ciccarelli” clan and seriously suspected, for various reasons, of an association aimed at the trafficking of narcotic substances and detention for the purpose of drug dealing, crimes aggravated by the mafia method and purpose. The investigations, conducted by the military of the Castello di Cisterna Investigative Unit and coordinated by the Neapolitan Dda, have inflicted a severe blow on drug trafficking in the Green Park of Caivano, one of the largest dealing squares in Europe, active 24 hours a day , 7 days a week. The organization and operation of the shopping centers was also reconstructed, defining the roles and responsibilities of the suspects.