Green pass, Bassetti: “Tool of social hatred if 95% protected”

“If in spring we reach 95% protection” against covid “between vaccinated and immune, it is time to review the strategy and the implementation of the Green pass. With 95% protection in the population, what is the point of continuing to ask the Green pass? It was used to get people vaccinated, but unfortunately it becomes an instrument of social hatred “. This is the warning from Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa, guest of the program ‘My doctor’ on Tv2000. “The measures – he specified – must be supported as long as they have a sanitary sense. When they have a sense of social division it is worth rethinking them.” “Unlimited green pass for those who make the booster dose” of the anti-Covid vaccine? “I think it is plausible”, because “those who have the booster today have lasting immunity. And we have seen from the Israeli data that the fourth dose is good not to get it close to the third. In 2022 there is likely to be a booster dose,” but we will do it in the fall as is the case with the flu shot, “he added.