Covid, injected 6 doses of vaccine by mistake: girl hospitalized in Massa

It looked like a vaccination like many others, one of those intended for healthcare personnel. A few minutes after the injection, however, a shocking revelation was made to the young clinical psychology trainee from Massa: “We were wrong. We injected her with the entire vial of Pfizer vaccine, equal to six doses”. It happened yesterday morning at the New Apuan hospital (Noa) in Massa as reported today by ‘La Nazione’. Just enough time to metabolize the news, a frantic series of talks with health and doctors and then hospitalization for observation, where the young woman should remain until today. The condition of the 23-year-old last night was fair and the girl is kept under control not so much for the current state of her health, as for the fact that – to date – there seems to have never been an inoculation of six doses of the vaccine. A similar case has occurred in recent months in Germany, but in that case there were five doses, while the Pfizer trial relating to overdose would stop at four. In the absence of a series of cases, the unfortunate trainee is kept under close observation, a report on what happened has already been sent to Aifa and yesterday morning even police personnel went to the hospital to get information on what happened. “My daughter – explains the mother of the young woman – went to the appointment quietly. After the injection she immediately realized that something was wrong. Not in the reactions of her body, but in relation to what was happening around her. From that that we have reconstructed, the preparation has not been diluted with the physiological as required by the protocol and for a series of reasons that will certainly have to be clarified, my daughter was injected with the entire preparation. Now all that remains is to hope that there will be no reactions adverse events of particular gravity “.