“The famous disaster that must have taken place with the reopening of the school after the Christmas holidays did not happen, there were many problems differentiated by area”. Thus the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi speaking to Radio24 adding that the principals have faced the problems that have occurred “with great responsibility”. “We arrived with a load of infections caught in the three weeks before when the school was closed, and therefore it is clear that this has had different effects. But the school has reopened. And the important thing is that the principle that it is a fundamental element of society. So it is not that school closes first and then everything else comes “. “What has been evident this week is that in the vast part of the country not only did they go back to school, but they found the value of school in the presence. I do not wage religious wars against Dad: this works if it is part integral to an educational project, not if it is the alternative or the substitute for the school “, said Bianchi, adding:” We have restored this principle of the school in the presence, as a community, as a right and on the other hand we have also verified the possibility of use remote tools as an integral and integrative part of an educational project “.” We are thinking to simplify the certification for returning to school after Covid “, once the negativity has been reached, the minister also said.