Cold and frost from Russia, harsh winter could really come: that’s when

This time the real winter could really arrive, with great cold over a large part of our country: here are the weather forecasts and what awaits us in the coming days. “In this first half of the winter season, Italy has found itself on several occasions in a sort of borderland, pulled between (rare) cold impulses descending from the northernmost latitudes of the Old Continent and important anticyclonic comebacks, both of oceanic origin , both of African origin – explain the experts of the site – ​​Well the projections for next week seem to confirm this rather fluctuating climatic trend. But this time a more raw winter breath could come from the distant Russian lands, ready to bring back the great cold, if not frost, over a large part of our country. The data available to us now also identify an important date, which could mark yet another important change in weather for this winter dancer “. The week “will open on Monday 17 January in the name of extreme atmospheric stability, which will not mean sunshine for everyone: in fact, the dreaded and fearsome fogs will return to breach, ready to envelop not only the plains of the North, but also some inner sectors of the Center and a large part of our coasts. And if it is not fog, the low clouds will dirty the skies of these same areas. The anticyclonic domination does not seem able to last, however, and will begin on Tuesday 18th gradually losing its shine – warns – ​​This weakening of the baric field will be the prelude to a probable change in the weather, under the blows of very cold air currents that from Russia will first aim at central Europe, and then break through towards Italy , giving way to a decidedly more winter and frosty phase “.” Currently – the experts specify – it is difficult to hypothesize in detail the trajectory of the currents, as well as the probability and the localization of minimum depression capable of causing precipitation, even snow, up to very low altitudes. Having said that, the areas most initially involved could be the Adriatic regions and the South, but then at the end of the week it could also be the turn of the North “.