Cassation, the Council of State clears the leaders: “Unreasonable choice of the CSM of Curzio and Cassano”

The Council of State canceled the appointments of the President of the Court of Cassation, Pietro Curzio, and of the adjunct Margherita Cassano. With two judgments filed today Palazzo Spada declared illegitimate the appointments that the CSM had resolved in July 2020, accepting the appeal of Angelo Spirito and overturning the sentences of the TAR that had rejected him. The Superior Council of the Judiciary will now have to take note of the cancellation of the two appointments, which will reopen the dossier for the conferral of the two executive positions. The sentences accept the remarks made by the appellant on the criteria adopted by the High Council of the Judiciary and on the motivation of the choices that are “unreasonable and seriously deficient”.