Omicron variant, Rezza: “It is prevalent and can congest hospitals”

The Omicron variant of Sars-CoV-2 “is now largely predominant in our country. And even if less virulent than the Delta variant, it is extremely contagious and diffuse. Therefore it can lead to congestion in hospitals”. Thus the general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza, in a video message commenting on the data of the Covid-19 monitoring, released today. For all this “it is good – he stresses – to continue to maintain behaviors inspired by prudence and above all to do the booster vaccination”. In the video message, Rezza explains that “the incidence rate of Covid-19 cases in our country continues to grow, and is fixed at 1,990 cases: we are almost 2,000 per 100 thousand inhabitants. It is a particularly high incidence rate”. “The RT is also on the rise, we are now at 1.56. Still well above the unit – he adds – As regards the occupancy rate of the beds in the medical and intensive care areas, we are respectively at 27, 1 and 17.5%. So still rising and above the criticality thresholds “.