Covid today Italy, 101,762 infections and 227 deaths: January 10 bulletin

There are 101,762 new infections from Coronavirus in Italy today, Monday 10 January 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are also another 227 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 612,821 swabs were processed with a positive rate of 16.6%. Read also DATA FROM REGIONEPUGLIA – There are 2,813 new coronavirus infections today 10 January in Puglia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 2 deaths. The new cases, identified through 39,642 swabs, are divided as follows by province: Bari: 1,571; Bat: 97; Brindisi: 56; Foggia: 313; Lecce: 620; Taranto: 123; Residents outside the region: 17; Province in definition: 16. There are 64,281 people currently positive, 444 those hospitalized in a non-critical area and 45 in intensive care. Overall data: 356,196 total cases, 6,341,935 swabs performed, 284,891 people healed and 7,024 people died.EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 14,194 new coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, 10 January. There are also another 16 deaths. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 691,118 positive cases have been registered in the Region. 38,530 the total number of swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of swabs made is 36.8%, a value not indicative of the general trend given the number of swabs performed, which on holidays is lower than on other days and above all molecular swabs are made primarily on cases for which a positive result is often expected.VENETO – There are 7,492 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, 10 January 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the regional bulletin. Recorded 24 more deaths. The current positives in the region are 190,199. There are 1,592 covid patients in hospital hospitalized in a non-critical area, while people in intensive care are 215.TUSCANY – There are 5,790 new coronavirus infections today 10 January in Tuscany, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin anticipated on social networks by the president of the region Eugenio Giani. “The new Covid cases registered in Tuscany are 5,790 out of 30,157 tests of which 15,722 molecular swabs and 14,435 rapid tests – he writes – The rate of new positives is today 19.20% (59.6% on the first diagnoses). the number of new cases, which yesterday had been over 12 thousand but with more than double the number of tests carried out. The rate of positives on the total swabs also decreased: yesterday it stood at 20.05% (74.5% on the first diagnoses ) “. SOUTH TYROL – There are 1,135 new infections from Coronavirus in South Tyrol according to today’s bulletin with data from the Region. The table refers to another 3 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 1,552 molecular swabs and 960 antigenic swabs were processed. The total deaths are 1,322. Since yesterday, 422 have been healed. FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 1,601 new infections from Coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia according to today’s bulletin, 10 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 4 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 3,798 molecular swabs and 7,322 rapid antigenic tests were processed. There are 41 people hospitalized in intensive care, while 354 patients are hospitalized in other departments. As regards the trend of the spread of the virus among the population, the age group most affected is 0-19 years (20.99 %), followed equally by 40-49 and 50-59 (17.99%), by 20-29 (15.18%) and by 30-39 (14.49%). Positive cases today are given for 50.72% by males and 49.28% by females. Today there are 4 deaths: a 91-year-old woman from Gemona del Friuli (who died in hospital), a 84-year-old man from Trieste (who died in hospital), an 83-year-old woman from Pordenone (who died in hospital) and finally a 67-year-old woman from Monfalcone (who died in hospital) CALABRIA – There are 1,616 new coronavirus infections today 10 January 2022 in Calabria, according to data and numbers of the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. There are another 5 deaths. The new infections were detected on 10,205 swabs carried out. +800 are healed. In total, 1,676 deaths since the beginning of the emergency. The bulletin also records +811 currently positive, +4 hospitalizations (for a total of 382) and, finally, stable intensive care (for a total of 34).

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