Covid today Italy, 495 infections and 21 deaths: June 21 bulletin

There are 495 coronavirus infections in Italy today, 21 June, according to data – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin. No contagion recorded in 3 regions: Marche, Molise and Val d’Aosta. Since yesterday, another 21 deaths have been recorded. In the last 24 hours, 81,752 swabs were performed, the positivity rate was 0.6%. There are 385 patients in intensive care, -4 compared to yesterday. Read also THE DATA OF THE REGIONILAZIO – There are 71 new coronavirus infections today 21 June in Lazio, according to the data of the latest bulletin. There are 3 more deaths. Today in Lazio “on over 5 thousand swabs in Lazio (-21) and almost 5 thousand antigenic swabs for a total of over 10 thousand tests, 71 new positive cases (+3) are recorded, deaths are 3 (+3 ), the hospitalized are 295 (-5). The recovered are 162, the intensive therapies are 76 (-1). The ratio between positives and swabs is 1.3%, but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 0 , 6%. The cases in Rome city are at 52 “underlines the councilor for Health and Social and Health Integration of the Lazio Region Alessio D’Amato, in the bulletin at the end of today’s videoconference of the regional task force for Covid-19 with the general managers of the ASL and hospitals, university polyclinics and the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital. In Lazio, explains D’Amato, “61% of the adult population received at least one dose of vaccine and 36% completed the vaccination course “.CAMPANIA – There are 31 new coronavirus infections today June 21 in Campania, s according to the data of the last bulletin. There are 4 more deaths. Cases from the past 24 hours were recorded on 1,929 molecular swabs analyzed. In today’s bulletin released by the Crisis Unit of the Region, 4 new deaths are included, 3 of which occurred in the last 48 hours and one occurred previously, but recorded yesterday. In Campania there are 24 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 282 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards VALLE D’AOSTA – There are no new coronavirus infections today 21 June in Valle d’Aosta, according to the data of the latest bulletin . And there are no deaths. The people affected by the virus from the beginning of the pandemic therefore remain 11674. The current positives are 52, – 5 compared to yesterday, of which 3 hospitalized and 49 in home isolation. No patient was admitted to intensive care. The data are contained in the health update bulletin of the Region, the only one still in the yellow zone.EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 81 new coronavirus infections today June 21 in Emilia Romagna, according to the data of the latest bulletin. There are another 2 deaths. Since the beginning of the epidemic in the region there have been 386,346 positive cases. There are 8,261 swabs performed in the last 24 hours, the percentage of new positives is 1%, a value not indicative of the general trend given the number of swabs performed, which on Sunday is lower than on other days. Furthermore, on holidays, especially the molecular ones, are made primarily on cases for which a positive result is often expected. Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues, also extended to under 40s, with the possibility of booking which will always remain open from the date the windows are unlocked, to allow all those who want to receive the vaccine. coronavirus infections in Puglia today, 21 June, according to data from the region’s bulletin. Since yesterday, 4 deaths have been recorded. Overall, as happens every Monday, the number of new positive cases of covid 19 is low even if the data is very good since the number of tests is of an average level and in any case higher than yesterday. Deaths are increasing. More limited than in recent days, the increase in new healed and therefore the current positives continue to decline. As can be seen in the daily epidemiological bulletin, drawn up by the Region on the basis of information from the Health Promotion department, today there are 19 positive cases registered on 4,356 swabs for coronavirus infection. in Bat province it was reclassified and reallocated. Yesterday there were 45 new cases out of 3,990 tests. 4 deaths were recorded: 3 in the province of Lecce, 1 in the province of Taranto. Currently positive cases are 8,420 while yesterday they were 8,655 (-235). There are 195 hospitalized patients while yesterday they were 204 (-9). The total of positive Covid cases in Puglia since the beginning of the emergency is 251,882.MARCHE – No coronavirus contagion in the Marche today, 21 June, according to data from the region’s bulletin. Since yesterday 812 swabs have been tested: 309 in the new diagnosis path (of which 87 screening with Antigenic pathway) and 503 in the healed path (a positive ratio tested of 0%). No positive emerged from the tests.VENETO – There are 8 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, 21 June, according to data from the region’s bulletin. “This is 0.15% incidence, the lowest figure in this second wave,” said Governor Luca Zaia. No deaths have been recorded since yesterday, the current positives are 5,200. There are 338 patients hospitalized for covid: 41 people in intensive care, the other 297 are in the non-critical area PIEDMONT – There are 20 coronavirus infections in Piedmont today, 21 June, according to data from the region’s bulletin. As of yesterday, 1 death was registered. New cases are equal to 0.2% of 9,654 swabs performed, of which 7,541 antigenic. Of the 20 positives, 16 were asymptomatic (80.0%) and 30 were hospitalized in intensive care (- 2 compared to yesterday). There are 213 hospitalized patients not in intensive care (-7 compared to yesterday). There are 1,375 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 5,285,919 (+9,654 compared to yesterday), of which 1,728,588 negative results.The total number of deaths since the beginning of the emergency is 11,691.TUSCANY – There are 45 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 21 June, according to the data of the regional bulletin anticipated by the governor Eugenio Giani on social networks. There are no deaths. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 45 out of 4,887 tests of which 3,828 molecular swabs and 1,059 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 0.92% (2.3% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani, adding that vaccines currently administered are 2,733,325.BASILICATA – There are 40 new infections from Coronavirus in Basilicata according to the bulletin that reports today, June 21, the data of the last two days. The table refers to another dead person. In the last 24 hours 832 molecular swabs were made in the Region which is in the white area. The Lucanians recovered or negativized are 117. The hospitalized in the hospitals of Potenza and Matera are 33, two less, of which none in intensive care. For the vaccination, 8,484 doses were administered in two days. So far, 271,456 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine, about 49 percent, and 145,996 who have also received the second dose, about 26 percent, for a total of 417,452 administrations. VENICE GIULIA – There are 2 new infections from Covid detected today, 21 June, today in Friuli Venezia Giulia, where 807 molecular swabs were carried out with a positive percentage of 0.25%. There are also 335 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which no contagion was detected. Today there are no deaths and only one person remains hospitalized in intensive care, while in the other wards there are 9 hospitalizations. This was announced by the deputy governor with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi.

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