Mafia, Grillo (Federated Mezzogiorno): ‘FBI specializes in reporting anonymously’

“A great Italian FBI to fight the mafias while guaranteeing anonymity”. It is among the objectives of the Federated Mezzogiorno Movement, today in its constitution, which he talks about with Adnkronos Salvatore Grillo, member of the Executive Committee, who announces: “We will discuss with the categories and associations to elaborate a bill of law. popular initiative “. “We want to enable all southern citizens to become defended protagonists of the fight against the mafia – he explains – The law must guarantee and allow those who suffer from the mafia to be able to report anonymously to a special institutionalized body, a police dedicated to the fight against the mafia , a large Italian-style FBI made up of policemen, technicians, specialists in banking flows. In the same law – he concludes – we will ask for the provision of a third party control authority of the special force “.