Covid Italy, record infections: over 200 thousand in one day

New record of Coronavirus infections in Italy where, for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, 200 thousand cases have been exceeded in 24 hours. The cases, driven by the Omicron variant, were 219,441, up from 189,109 yesterday 5 January. The victims were 198 (231 yesterday), for a total of 138,474 since the beginning of the pandemic. “Even though Omicron appears to be less severe than Delta, especially in vaccinated people, it doesn’t mean it can be categorized as ‘mild’,” explains the WHO director general, noting that Omicron “just like previous variants causes hospitalizations and kills.” And to cope with the increase in infections, the vaccination obligation for over 50s, introduced by the new decree approved yesterday by the CDM, will be valid immediately. Read also BULLETIN There are 219,441 coronavirus infections in Italy today, 6 January 2022, according to data and covid numbers – region by region – in the Civil Protection and Ministry of Health bulletin. Another 198 dead were recorded. New cases were identified on 1,138,310 swabs performed, the positivity rate is 19.3%. There are 13,827 covid patients hospitalized with symptoms in hospital (+463 since yesterday) and 1,467 people in intensive care (+39). WHO: “OMICRON VARIANT KILLS” The Omicron variant is causing “a huge and rapid tsunami of contagions that is crushing health systems around the world”. The director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expresses himself in this way in the briefing on the covid emergency, underlining how “hospitals are becoming overcrowded and with a reduced staff”. In this context, other “avoidable deaths not only from Covid but also from other diseases are risked if patients cannot receive timely treatment”. “Even though Omicron appears to be less severe than Delta, especially in vaccinated people, it doesn’t mean it can be categorized as ‘mild’,” adds the WHO director general, noting that Omicron “just like previous variants causes hospitalization and kills.” “The first generation vaccines may not stop all infections and contagions – he says – but they remain very effective in reducing hospitalizations and deaths caused by this virus”. WHO reiterates the need to distribute vaccines equally among all countries. VACCINATION REQUIREMENT OVER 50 The vaccination obligation for over 50s will be valid immediately. Sources from Palazzo Chigi explain this, underlining that the rules will come into force the day after the publication of the decree-law, approved yesterday by the CDM, in the Official Gazette, and is currently expected to last until June 15, 2022. For all those ( workers and non-workers) who will not comply with the vaccination obligation, starting from 1 February 2022 there is a one-off penalty of 100 euros. The sanction will be imposed by the Revenue Agency, by crossing the data of the resident population with those resulting from the regional or provincial vaccination registries. SUPER GREEN PASS FOR WORK The obligation of a reinforced Green Pass for all workers (public and private) and freelancers aged at least 50 takes effect from February 15, 2022. From that date, they will be required to possess and exhibit the Green Pass strengthened to the ” access to the workplace, therefore those who are not yet vaccinated today will have to take the first dose of the vaccine by January 31 to obtain an enhanced Green Pass valid from February 15. For public and private workers and unvaccinated freelancers, a penalty ranging from 600 to 1,500 euros is envisaged in the case of access to the workplace in violation of the obligation. As is already the case for workers without a Green Pass, workers over the age of fifty who from 15 February 2022 will be without a reinforced Green Pass at the time of access to the workplace will also be considered unjustified absent, without disciplinary consequences and with the right to retention. of the employment relationship but without the right to remuneration or other remuneration or emolument, it explains. GREEN PASS BASE: WHERE IT IS NEEDED From January 20 to March 31 2022, the obligation of a Green Pass (indifferently basic or strengthened) is envisaged for the access of users to the activities that offer services to the person. From 1 February (or from another date, if provided for by the implementing dpcm) to 31 March 2022, the obligation of a Green Pass (indifferently basic or reinforced) is envisaged for user access to public offices; postal, banking and financial services; commercial activities, with the exception of those necessary to ensure the satisfaction of essential and primary needs of the person. These activities, exempt from the obligation, will be identified by the implementing dpcm.For people who access the services and activities in which it is mandatory to have it without a Green Pass, there is a penalty from 400 to 1,000 euros. The same sanction applies to the person required to check possession of the Green Pass if he fails to check.

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