Partinico, from a municipality dissolved for mafia to a ‘virtuous’ municipality

The stabilization of precarious staff, the safety of schools, new competitions, the acquisition of goods and services thanks to state resources to the municipalities dissolved for the mafia. But also extraordinary maintenance interventions on municipal assets, over 150,000 euros to be dedicated to the extraordinary maintenance of assets confiscated from the Mafia bosses and the extraordinary ordinary maintenance of the lighting systems. These are just some of the results obtained by the Extraordinary Commission of the Municipality of Partinico (Palermo) dissolved for mafia, made up of three women, Maria Baratta, Concetta Caruso and Isabella Giusto. In just under a year, numerous works have been planned and partly started and the bureaucratic structure has been strengthened. Numerous defaulting citizens have regularized their tax position, social services have been significantly strengthened and two means of transporting students have been purchased. Among other things, all the financial documents, including the 2021/2023 financial statements, have been approved within the legal deadlines and the procedures for the preparatory acts for the approval of the 2022/2024 financial statements have already started. March 2022. The financial parameters, including the timeliness of payments, fell back into the “virtuous” bands. “We would have liked to organize a meeting with citizens to make all these results known, but the latest provisions to combat Covid 19 and the resurgence of cases of contagion registered in the city have not allowed us to exchange greetings for the New Year and at the same time illustrate the main activities carried out and in progress – say the three commissioners, Maria Baratta, Concetta Caruso and Isabella Giusto – We believe, however, appropriate to summarize the most important results achieved so far “. Here is a summary: Prolonged commitment was aimed at strengthening the bureaucratic structure of the institution in continuity with the previous actions developed in the last months of 2020 which led to the stabilization of precarious personnel. annuities relating to accessory funds starting from 2017, closing, in these days, with the signing of the supplementary decentralized collective agreement, until 31 December 2021. Next immediate objective already in programming, the 2022/2024 hiring plan which will involve the Commission in the requalification of internal staff through the instrument of vertical progressions, and of new external top management resources through bankruptcy procedures. Thanks to the resources transferred by the State to the municipalities dissolved due to mafia infiltrations, it was then possible to plan a series of interventions both as investment expenses and as current expenses for the acquisition of goods and services, resources that will only partially be able to solve the serious and atavistic problems encountered. upon dissolution. ‘Maximum attention to municipal properties’ Maximum attention was paid to municipal properties. With the resolution of the Extraordinary Commission of 16 December, the framework agreement was approved on an administrative level pursuant to Article 54 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 for extraordinary maintenance work on buildings under municipal competence for a total amount of 249,831.80 euros, included in the three-year program of public works 2021 2023. The three extraordinary commissioners of the Municipality of Partinico are still known. The project concerns extraordinary maintenance interventions on municipal buildings such as, by way of example but not limited to, offices, schools, villas, parks and gardens, etc. With the decision of the Head of the Sector of 26 December 2021, the sum of € 200,000.00 was also committed for the realization of extraordinary maintenance works of the former Arena Lo Baido to be carried out with the public procurement system provided for by Legislative Decree 50 / 2016. Following the latest changes made to the municipal budget with the resolution of the Extraordinary Commission with the powers of the City Council of 15 December 2021, the reconstruction works of the lighting system of the Giuseppe La Franca municipal stadium were also included for an amount of € 700,000, 00, valid for the year 2021/2022.A specific expenditure commitment was then dedicated to the properties confiscated from organized crime with a specific additional framework agreement which provides for an additional expenditure commitment of € 150,000.00 to be dedicated to the extraordinary maintenance of the assets confiscated for which the recovery action continued, among other things, with the interventions carried out at the structure already destined for the municipal kennel and the definition of the tender procedure under the Pon Legality 2014/2020 for € 900,000.00 already financed for the restructuring and adaptation of confiscated properties intended for their reintegration into the socio-economic circuit o to promote social inclusion and the fight against early school leaving. The activity aimed at creating the corporate LAN network, equipping all the municipal offices with a new centralized company switchboard to replace the previous obsolete telephone network as well as to create the data and telephone connection in all the schools of municipal competence. The cemetery issue was also addressed to resolve the continuing shortage of interventions and the persistent shortage of places through extraordinary maintenance interventions to be carried out through a framework agreement pursuant to article 54 of Legislative Decree 50/2016, for an amount of € 95,000. Furthermore, with the resolution of the Extraordinary Commission of 16 December, the technical-economic feasibility project for the construction of new niches in the cemetery was approved, committing a sum of € 350,000.00 for the overall construction of 320 seats following the approval of a variation to the budget forecast 2021/2023 thus implementing the previous allocation of this Commission for the construction of new niches, originally foreseen with the first excerpt Project, in the number of 160. following the concession of the public lighting service and traffic light signaling for the maintenance and management of the systems and the planning for the execution of energy efficiency improvement interventions to the Ottimo company, whose service will start from 1 January 2022 with the delivery of the systems for next twenty years. In the meantime, with a managerial decision of 18 December 2021, the subcontracting of the ordinary extraordinary maintenance of the lighting systems was authorized. Also the municipal roads were the subject of a specific resolution of the Extraordinary Commission of 16 December 2021 with which the framework agreement for the extraordinary maintenance works of municipal roads for the year 2021 was approved in an administrative line for a total amount of € 478,400.00, work included in the three-year program of public works 2021 // 2023. Particular attention was paid to comprehensive schools. All schools will benefit from part of the sums allocated for the extraordinary maintenance of municipal assets. A notable and widespread activity was carried out to strengthen the social services both in the territory and in the socio-health district of which Partinico is the leading municipality. The purchase of two vehicles for school transport and the purchase of books for € 9,204.87 was concluded thanks to the financing of the decree of the Minister of Culture of May 24, 2021 for the support of the book of the publishing sector. With a definitive provision of 13 December 2021, provision was also made for the supply of play equipment financed by the Sostegni bis decree for an amount of € 85,500.30 for the activities of minors, to combat educational poverty and to strengthen the summer centers of socio-educational services 2021 and centers with an educational and recreational function. The activity of the socio-sanitary District 41 was intense. As part of the actions envisaged by the PAL 2019 Project, entirely financed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, all the municipalities of the District used these resources for “Interventions in support of parenthood and family mediation “and for the” Strengthening of information systems through the purchase of IT equipment “, as well as for the activation of PUC, Useful Projects for the Community that allow the recipients of citizenship income to be included in activities of social utility, allowing to the well-known and widespread shortages of personnel of local authorities, in these tasks and to improve the quality of local services. ‘An intense economic-financial recovery activity’ be for the whole of the year 2021 by approving all financial documents including within the terms of the law the 2021/2023 budget and subsequently the procedures for the preparatory acts for the approval of the 2022/2024 budget have already been started, the terms of which will expire on 31 March 2022. Furthermore, the financial parameters, including the timeliness of payments, are returned to the “virtuous” brackets. The recovery work of the evasion and avoidance brackets of the period before 2016 carried out together with the Extraordinary Liquidation Body also produced a significant effect on subsequent years, raising the average IMU collection from percentages that around 70% up to 92% in 2017, the first year of a stably rebalanced budget hypothesis. The same results are found in relation to the TARI collection, a sore point of local taxes, which saw the percentages rise from about 35% to 52% in the 2017 rolls. It should be noted that, in addition to the collections following notifications of previous years for evasion recovery, a significant flow of collections occurred spontaneously also for the years from 2017 to 2020, albeit not yet notified, following the request for the issuance of authorizations (from 110% bonus for building permits to all the various authorizations and licenses pertaining to the Entity) whose regularity of contributions was prodromal to releases, an activity that led to the regularization of numerous defaulting taxpayers. ‘activity undertaken aimed at the exclusive improvement of the municipal area, goes continuously to However, what has been put in place is the result of an important and effective teamwork carried out with rigor and a high sense of responsibility by municipal officials and employees and by senior managers, to whom our warmest appreciation and thanks go “.

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