Rsa and visits from relatives, the rules of the Regions

The guidelines of the Regions arrive with the rules for the visits of relatives and friends in the RSA. The indications for the modalities of access will be discussed tomorrow in the Regions Conference. According to what is learned, entry to the RSA is foreseen “only for visitors or family members in possession of Green Covid-19 Certification”, ie the so-called Green pass or “alternatively the attestation of one of the conditions necessary for the release of the same as long as they have not expired “. It is also envisaged that “the structure guarantees a scheduling of accesses for family members throughout the day with methods and forms designed to avoid gatherings, so that accesses must normally concern no more than two visitors per guest per visit and for a duration defined as “The guidelines also contain general indications and it is emphasized that” the conditions of the guest and the visitor must be considered, as well as the logistical characteristics of the structure itself and the changing epidemiological conditions “. , moreover, ” it is allowed exclusively on the basis of the assessments of the Health Department or the medical referent-Covid-19 referent of the structure ”. ” Maximum rigor remains necessary in the use of personal protective equipment, in guaranteeing social distancing and avoid any form of gathering inside the structures ”, one of the indications contained in the lines gu ida. ” To avoid gatherings of people, the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between visitors must be ensured (extendable up to 2 meters according to the epidemiological risk scenario), with the exception of members of the same family unit or cohabiting people who, according to the provisions in force, are not subject to interpersonal distancing ”, is emphasized in the guidelines. Furthermore, at the entrance, family members or visitors, ” in addition to showing the Covid-19 Green Certification ” will be ” subjected to the surveillance protocol already in use at the facility ”.