Quarantine from Gb, Pregliasco: “Pesa incognita Delta variant”

“A 5-day quarantine for those coming from Great Britain with a swab requirement seems to me to be common sense, it is something that can somehow give time to verify”. So at the Adnkronos Salute virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor at the State University of Milan, on the provision of Minister Speranza. “The unknown factor of the Delta variant weighs – says Pregliasco – In England it is already waning, however – he warns – there is, as I have said several times, this risk of a virus tail hit and this is the element to avoid” . As for the farewell to outdoor masks at the end of June, “let’s see how things go with common sense and also for the psychological aspect of subsequent steps that can be carried out carefully, so that they are all openings towards the best and without go back “, says Pregliasco.