Covid, the constitutionalist Celotto: “Green pass is constitutionally correct, non-discriminatory”

“For the first time we have a Dpcm that opens, not that closes”. The constitutionalist Alfonso Celotto said this to Adnkronos, commenting on the procedures for issuing the covid 19 digital green certifications defined by the Decree signed by Prime Minister Mario Draghi. The constitutionalist excludes any possible profile of unconstitutionality of the green pass: “it is constitutionally correct because it transposes the law 52-2021 article 10. And it is not in any way discriminatory because in identifying three possible requirements through which to obtain the pass (vaccination, outcome negative swab within 48 hours or recovery from infection) does not discriminate against anyone. And will allow those who are eligible to travel freely between the 27 EU countries, access demonstrations, weddings, events .. “. The fact that to date the vaccine is mandatory only for health professionals and not for other categories is irrelevant: “by now all Italians have the right to vaccinate. Many have not booked. The possibility of a tampon is foreseen, therefore there are no penalties for the unvaccinated “. “Soon – he continues – we will have to ask ourselves the problem of who refuses the vaccine, as it could compromise herd immunity”. How? “By providing for mandatory law, but by a liberal state, therefore acting through the negative consequences – he replies – Do you not get vaccinated? You pay the consequences, just like for measles. Sooner or later the legislator will have to do something.” (by Roberta Lanzara)