Luana died at work, the result of the autopsy

Luana D’Orazio, the 22-year-old who lost her life last May 3 in a textile factory in Montemurlo in the province of Prato, died instantly. The young woman was the victim of a crushing of the chest. This is what emerged from the autopsy, conducted today by the coroner Luciana Sonnellini in Pistoia. The autopsy examination, ordered by the Prato prosecutor, who opened a file for manslaughter, established that the young worker suffered a thoraco-pulmonary fracture polytrauma. According to what was reconstructed by the coroner, Luana would have died instantly crushed by the textile machinery, a warper, in which she got stuck and crushed. The autopsy took place in the presence of the consultants appointed by the suspects, the owner of the ‘Orditura Luana’ company, Luana Coppini, and the maintenance technician Mario Cusimano, and those of the victim’s family. The investigations will resume next week to verify the state of the safety systems of the machinery from which Luana was sucked in. Monday 10 May throughout Tuscany, in memory of Luana D’Orazio but also of all the victims at work, will be a day of regional mourning on the occasion of the funeral of the 22-year-old. The president of the Region Eugenio Giani has established the half-mast display of the regional banner on the regional public buildings and a minute of silence in the regional offices at 3 pm to coincide with the funeral. Giani also invites all Tuscan mayors to express their condolences in the ways deemed most appropriate. The mayor of Pistoia, Alessandro Tomasi, has proclaimed city mourning for the whole day. The provisions provide for the display of flags at half mast in the municipal offices. Institutes of all levels in the municipal area are invited to observe a minute of silence at 12 noon and the owners of commercial and productive activities are invited to lower the shutters or to gather with a minute of silence, always at noon, to express participation and recollection for the young broken life and sensitivity on the issue of white deaths. Even fellow citizens, political, social and productive organizations, associations, are invited to express, autonomously and in compliance with the anti-Covid legislation, their participation in the The funeral of Luana D’Orazio will take place in the parish church of Cristo Risorto, in via Don Lorenzo Milani, in Spedalino Asnelli, a town in the municipality of Agliana (Pistoia) on Monday at 3 pm. Pistoia, Monsignor Fausto Tardelli. Luana’s family chose the church in the town where the young woman grew up and lived. “Given the many requests and in anticipation of the many attendances at Luana’s funeral”, the Diocese of Pistoia announced that “on the indication and request of the bishop the presence of cameras and video recordings inside the church during the liturgical celebration will not be allowed. This choice is necessary, as well as to ensure the smooth running of the celebration in an atmosphere of recollection and prayer, respecting family and friends di Luana, to ensure compliance with anti Covid protocols. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the celebrations have been held in strict compliance with the regulations that provide for a maximum number of presences that, given the numbers we expect, cannot be respected ” In the meantime, fundraising goes on to help Luana’s family, a single mother who left behind a 5-year-old child, now entrusted to her grandparents. Over 100 thousand euros were collected in 48 hours, as the mayor of Montemurlo, Simone Calamai, said. In agreement with the Mayor of Montemurlo, the Mayor of Pistoia, Alessandro Tomasi, and the Municipality have decided to support and promote fundraising activated through the Montemurlo Solidarity Committee. The Iban on which to pay is: IT11 U030 6937 9791 0000 0004 565 in the name of the Montemurlo Solidale Committee at Banca Intesa San Paolo – Montemurlo branch via Scarpettini, the reason to indicate is “Donation for Luana”.