Between heat and thunderstorms, hail risk on Sunday 20 June

We are preparing to experience what will probably be the hottest weekend of the month of June. The African anticyclone will be at maximum power, but nevertheless will allow the development of violent storms in the afternoon. The team of the site informs that Saturday will be a completely sunny and very hot day. The sky will be clear and temperatures will start to rise seriously. In Emilia and Tuscany peaks of 36-37 ° C can be reached during the day, in Sicily and Calabria even 38-39 ° C, up to 33-34 ° C in the rest of the cities far from the coast. On Sunday the heat will be at its peak with peaks of 38-39 ° C in Emilia (Bologna), Marche (Macerata), inland Tuscan areas, in Calabria, in Puglia. The only discordant notes will be the thunderstorms that in the afternoon hours will develop widely in the Alps and then descend locally also to the Prealps and the nearby plains. Together with thunderstorms, the risk of intense hailstorms will be particularly high. On this day the sun will struggle to shine fully in the North and in Sardinia, it will be prevalent elsewhere. Also in the next week the heat will not let go, and indeed, in the South it will increase considerably, easily exceeding 42 ° C. IN DETAIL Friday 18. In the north: lots of clouds in the Northeast, occasional rainfall, more sunshine elsewhere. Center: isolated storms in the Apennines, sunny elsewhere. In the south: prevailing sun. Saturday 19. In the north: good and warm weather. In the center: sun everywhere. In the south: warm and sunny. Sunday 20. In the north: worsening in the Alps with many thunderstorms, local pre-Alps and nearby plains, record heat in Emilia, often very cloudy skies. In the center: sun and intense heat, but many clouds in Sardinia. In the south: good weather. From hot Monday on the rise in the south, prevailing sun.