Bassetti: “I would do it again virologists, it has important messages” – Video

The controversies about the virologists’ ditty ‘Sì si vax’ are “useless and sterile” and “I would do it again because you do not lose authority and credibility by singing a song from your studio”. So at the Adnkronos Salute Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic at the Policlinico San Martino hospital in Genoa, returns to the singing performance, together with his colleagues Crisanti and Pregliasco, who sang the song in the radio show ‘Un giorno da pecora’ ‘Si si vax’ (Video) sparking a lot of controversy. Read also The criticisms “were more about the form than about the substance that certainly can be improved. But in the text there were messages: be careful of your grandparents, take the third dose, and let’s get vaccinated. It was meant to be a nice message, after which in Italy we live only by thinking badly. We are dealing – warns Bassetti – with social haters on social media and journalists who probably see their space on TV shrink due to the presence of doctors who are most interesting to people. I would do what I did and I believe that in the end it worked to give an important message to the Italians who, in fact, they appreciated. ”

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