Covid, Rocca (Cri): “lower risk of spreading viruses with landings than from traditional borders”

“People arriving on the Italian coasts from the Mediterranean route are subjected to high health checks, including swabs and isolation in a quarantine ship. It is true that paradoxically there is less risk of the virus coming from migrants than from traditional open borders”. Francesco Rocca, president of the Italian Red Cross, says this to Adnkronos, responding to fears relating to a greater spread of the infection of the virus due to the continuous activity of landings. “The Red Cross swabs those who land on the coasts – explains Rocca – There is an important screening. At a global level, the Red Cross and Red Crescent have shown a capacity to support especially in those more fragile countries where there is less sustained welfare. by governments and it is possible to make a difference in terms of needs, from tests to vaccinations to social assistance “.