Bad weather makes three of a kind, rain and snow at Christmas: that’s where

Christmas with bad weather. Three disturbances will hit Italy starting from Christmas Eve, explains the team of the site, warning that “the high pressure of the Azores is now numbered. Starting from Friday 24 December the arrival of southerly winds will herald the vanguard of a perturbation that will cause the first rains from the afternoon / evening first on Tuscany and Liguria, then also on Piedmont and Lombardy. Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Sardinia with heavy rainfall on Liguria and Friuli Venezia Giulia. The southern winds will become more and more sustained by increasing temperatures. The snow on the Alps will drop abundantly starting from about 1300 meters and on the Apennines over 1800 meters “. “The second disturbance will instead arrive on Sunday, Santo Stefano. The disturbed front will be stronger than the previous one and fed by colder air at high altitudes. For this reason, the rains will also be moderate or heavy over most of the North, but especially in Liguria and Friuli Venezia Giulia and also on Tuscany and Lazio where local water bombs can also occur.Thanks to the colder air at high altitude, snow will fall abundantly on the Alps above approximately 1000 meters and on the Apennines from 1500 meters onwards. But that’s not all. The third disturbance will not keep us waiting and will hit our country (this time also the South) on Monday 27. The temperatures, due to the milder southern winds, will tend to increase with maximum peaks of 15-18 ° C in the Center-South, 10-12 ° C in the Northeast and 5-8 ° C in the Northwest “. IN DETAIL Wednesday 22. In the North: partly cloudy sky. In the center: rains on Lazio, local rains on Tuscany, Umbria and Marche. In the south: rains in Calabria. Thursday 23. In the north: often overcast skies, local fogs in the Northwest. Center: from the afternoon it gets worse on Tuscany. In the south: some rain in the Catania area, more sun elsewhere. Friday 24. In the north: overcast, in the evening it gets worse with rain. In the center: rains in Tuscany, more sunshine elsewhere. In the south: good weather. Christmas and Santo Stefano with rains in the Center-North.