CSM reform, ANM rejects Minister Cartabia’s proposal on the electoral system

The National Association of Magistrates is “firmly opposed to the proposal under discussion” on the reform of the electoral system of the Higher Council of the Judiciary, on which the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia works. This is what is shown in a document approved by the central steering committee with 22 votes in favor, 11 against and 3 abstentions. The motion was proposed by the Area, Unicost and Autonomia & Indipendenza groups. Contrary to the Independent Judiciary, which considers the “sharp ‘no’ to reform” an error. “It is essential that the Board of Governors is representative of all the magistrates, who express different, often complementary, sensitivities, points of view and ideas on the issues of autonomous government; the wider the comparison of ideas, the more it will be possible to obtain a rich and high synthesis “. And this, clarifies the Anm, “has nothing to do with the degenerations that we have known, because it is a question of protecting the possibility of expression of different sensitivities and avoiding the concentration of power in one or two poles, within the which would find ample room for maneuver precisely the partition behaviors that are intended to prevent “. Therefore “only a Superior Council representative of the many souls of the judiciary will be the natural bearer of the antibodies that will be able to leave any attempt to re-propose current degeneration on the sidelines”. For this reason “it is essential to exclude from the horizon any majoritarian system, however declined, which would favor the election of the representatives of the major groups, would favor polarization, and would dramatically increase the very power that the legislator claims to want to limit or even cancel”.

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