The state of health of the Italian healthcare system

The state of health of Italian healthcare The pandemic has put a strain on Italian healthcare and hospitals have found themselves at the center of public and political debate like never before. In fact, for almost two years now, there has been no information medium that does not disseminate data and statistics on Covid and on how healthcare is dealing with the emergency on a daily basis. But let’s take a step back. Before the health emergency, what was the state of health of the National Health Service? Adnkronos and Expleo have taken the pulse of national health care in recent years, also in comparison with other European countries, on the basis of different parameters and starting from data provided by different sources. Between lights and shadows, strengths and weaknesses, it emerges that the Italian health system as a whole is not that bad. For national data, the reference sources are: the open data of the Ministry of Health from 2010 to 2019, the data from the “health and health” section of ISTAT from 2013 to 2019, the ALS data – Associazione Liberi Specializzandi – which provides between the other, data on the number of candidates for specialization tests, CPT – Territorial Public Centers – which analyze the financial flows of public administrations at the regional level, Confindustria Medical Devices, the federation of Confindustria which represents companies operating in the medical devices and reports data on the state of obsolescence of medical technologies in Italy up to 2019. For international data the sources are: Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union and OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development .