Miss Italia 2021, two Covid cases: election postponed

The election of Miss Italia 2021 has been postponed due to two covid infections. During the scheduled daily checks, two cases of contagion emerged between the competitors. Therefore, in order to protect the girls, the staff of the competition, that of the television production and all those who collaborate in the realization of the event, “together with the mayor Luigi Brugnaro – explains patron Patrizia Mirigliani – we have decided to suspend the event” scheduled for Sunday evening in Venice, “and to postpone it to next January, also pending the evolution of the epidemiological situation in general”. “We are very sorry – continues Mirigliani – but we are sure we have made the right decision, because health comes first and the spirit of Miss Italia has always been to look, first and foremost, to the good of the girls”. “For us, people’s safety comes first – underlines the mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro – I thank the organization of Miss Italia, the Municipality of Venice and Vela spa for the action to protect the girls and collaborators”.