Sileri against the philosopher: “He knows nothing about covid and vaccine”

“She doesn’t know anything, she doesn’t know what she says.” Undersecretary of Health Pierpaolo Sileri explodes in DiMartedì against Andrea Zhok, professor of philosophy. The theme is the vaccination of children and the management of the covid emergency. “Nobody says not to cure or not to vaccinate them. We are saying to use vaccination selectively, not to carpet. And the therapies must be used in an appropriate way,” says Zhok, triggering Sileri’s vehement reaction. “This teacher says a lot of nonsense. How many boys went to the hospital among the 850 thousand positives in pediatric age? Does he know? He does not know. She does not know anything, she comes here with 4-5 numbers and plays the 3 card game saying enormous nonsense “, urges the undersecretary. “Take a tour of Naples and you will find the children’s hospitals full, with children weighing one and a half kilograms intubated. You don’t know what it says.”