State of emergency 2022, Crisanti: “Without extension, thousands without work”

State of emergency and extension to March 31, 2022, Omicron variant, vaccine for children. To talk about the virologist Andrea Crisanti guest of ‘Otto e mezzo’ on La7. “Italy has mobilized a lot of resources thanks to the state of emergency. If it were not extended, tens of thousands of people would find themselves out of work: those who swabs, those who vaccinate, all the staff deployed to manage the emergency “said the director of the microbiology laboratory of the University of Padua. .. “The 2-3 months” extension “should serve to consolidate the fight against the virus. If a state of emergency lasts for 2 and a half years it is no longer a state of emergency ”, he continues. “If it were not extended, tens of thousands of resources would not be consolidated, thousands of people included in the national health system. If all these people are not brought up to speed “, the state of emergency becomes the only tool to maintain the machine, says Crisanti, given that” the epidemic will last for another year, a year and a half “. As for the Omicron variant “it is a novelty that it would have been better not to have. It is very contagious and is able to infect even those who have been vaccinated, at least for 3-4 months”, said Crisanti who also spoke about the anti-vaccine. covid for children between 5 and 11 years, administered starting from December 16. “Israel has vaccinated about 100 thousand children, the United States 2 million and the data are excellent, they have very few side effects – underlined the expert – but also they have had to face the reluctance of their parents. There is a hard core to convince. But now we have data on millions of children. 50% of vaccinated children are within reach, we can get there “.