Ufo, the experts: “In the US phenomenon subject to legislation, when in Italy?”

“In the United States, with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (or Ndaa22), for the first time ever the Uap / UFO phenomenon has become the subject of legislation. the creation of a high-level office to study the phenomenon from a military and intelligence point of view. The new office will be jointly managed by the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, but will also make use of cooperation with civilian research entities and individuals as well as federal government agencies and should ‘Coordinate with US allies and partners, as appropriate, to best assess the nature and extent of unidentified aerial phenomena.’ For this reason, Roberto Pinotti, president of Cun (National UFO Center) and Vladimiro Bibolotti, president of Cifas (Council of the International Federation of Advanced Studies), “in consideration of the historical ties of friendship with the United States government and the common participation in the Born “, they invite the Italian Parliament” to promote measures aimed at setting up an office for the monitoring and study of the Uap / UFO phenomenon, in harmony with what has been legislated by the US Congress “. “On the strength of its scientific institutions and being able to count on the conspicuous wealth of knowledge of the various private associations for the study of the phenomenon, Italy – they note – could only benefit from an open, shared and harmonized international cooperation on the subject of the study of Uap, where the sectors of national security, scientific research, technology and flight safety could be the most positively affected “.