Made in Italy, Meritocrazia Italia: ‘food labels favor the image of our country

“From January 1, 2022, the provisions of European law on the origin of the primary ingredient will also be implemented in Italy. The extension envisaged for the application of the decrees will expire (introduced on an experimental basis until March 2020 pending the ‘Europa took a position on the issue) which provide for the indication of the origin of the raw material for milk and derivatives, rice, durum wheat pasta and tomato derivatives “. This was explained by Marianna Angellotti, national manager of the secretariat of the president of Meritocrazia Italia, Walter Mauriello. “In summary, for some food products there will no longer be the obligation to indicate the country of origin on the label – he clarifies -. For consumers, this means that it will no longer be possible to easily understand where many foods come from. Italy has always stood out for the transparency of the information provided to the consumer and tries to take more time by proposing the extension of the obligation to include the origin of raw materials on the label to all foods. The information is not only useful for consumers and agricultural producers, but, in Italy, it is part of a strategic action to support the tourism sector, which is essential especially for those territories that aim to enhance their destination. The image of the country as a producer of high quality food is at stake. ‘image of a country that has always, with good reason, been the pride of “Made in Italy” Origin, link with the territory and traceability of the product are strategic levers to stimulate local economies wings. Meritocrazia Italia – continues Angellotti – is convinced that the typical quality agri-food productions, all the other artisanal productions and the ‘Italian know-how’ are a unique heritage for variety and value, which can increase and diversify the tourist attraction, soliciting new opportunities of travel, to discover the production areas, also in light of the changing needs of travelers. For this reason it insists on the importance of providing for the labeling of food and other products with an indication of the origin of raw materials and the location of production processes, in order to promote a model of sustainable development, especially for rural areas. A first step to counter the serious phenomenon of depopulation and to preserve the qualities, authenticity and identity that characterize the unique Italian heritage, both tangible and intangible “, he concludes.