Veneto yellow zone from 20 December, announcement by Zaia

Veneto in the yellow zone from next week, starting Monday 20 December. This is the scenario that governor Luca Zaia outlines on the basis of the region’s covid numbers. “We have a weekly incidence of about 450 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, it’s a high incidence. We have a 12.8% intensive care occupancy rate. Both parameters are from the yellow zone. We are hung from the white zone for the occupation of the medical area: we are at 13.7%, 1.3% from the yellow threshold “, says Zaia. “I believe that Friday’s bulletin will reserve the yellow zone classification for us starting from next Monday. We are running out with the third parameter as well. The infection is running and the main data in this sense is the incidence. In hospitals we hospitalize more. how many people get out, this means we are in an acute phase, “adds the governor.