State of emergency extension, Gismondo: “There are no health conditions”

“I believe that at the moment there are no sanitary conditions for a state of emergency”, even if extending it or not beyond December 31 “obviously will be a political decision”. But “from the health point of view, I repeat, there is no emergency and this is an opinion shared also by other colleagues”. So at Adnkronos Salute Maria Rita Gismondo, director of the Laboratory of clinical microbiology, virology and diagnostics of bioemergencies at the Sacco hospital in Milan, in view of the approaching end of the year deadline. Read also “Today – observes the expert – we have learned to manage the Covid-19 pandemic, we have effective vaccines and we are about to have excellent therapies. So there is no emergency, but there is a need for good continuity management. This, I repeat, speaking from the health point of view “.