Covid, Palmaroli: “Osho? It would be a ‘no vax’ and would be treated with herbal infusions”

“Osho? It would certainly be a ‘no vax’ and would be cured with herbal infusions. One who goes around with that tunic, always the same, do you think if you are worried about Covid?”. Federico Palmaroli, aka ‘Osho’, says this, conversing with the Adnkronos, as he imagines Osho Rajneesh, the Indian holy man who inspired his incredible adventure as a cartoonist. He does so on the eve of 11 December, the day on which the spiritual master would have turned 90, if he were still alive: he was born on 11 December 1931. “I celebrate every day, even if I don’t celebrate it with his image. I bless the day he was born, because it marked a turning point in my life “, explains Roman Osho. Palmaroli has long since ‘abandoned’ his virtual mentor, both for a diatribe related to the use of the name, and to devote himself more to current events (his latest book, ‘Carcola che sfonno’, was released on November 30th), but reveals that he has a great affection for the figure of the Indian saint: “I love him in Osho, I don’t tell you that I have the altar at home with the candle, but I love him and I would have liked to be able to continue every now and then that vein, “he says. “I don’t regret him so much because I wouldn’t have switched to anything else, but I’d like to pay homage to him as I did in the past.” Palmaroli admits that he doesn’t know so much about the books of the saint. “I read something when I made the first two books, which were set up in such a way that the cartoon was preceded by a thought of his inherent in the cartoon,” he explains. “Of course, if you ask me for Osho’s biography no, I’m not prepared,” he jokes. Some concepts, however, have remained impressed on him. “For example, I remember him saying ‘if he leaves you a woman because you despair, you basically go back to the situation you were in before you met her.’ And I remember thinking: and thanks to the caz ….”. Reflecting on what Osho might say on his birthday, the cartoonist smiles: “He would say that 23 February 2015, the day of my first cartoon about him, is his new birthday”. By Ilaria Floris

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