The 60th anniversary of the legendary Jaguar E, the car of Diabolik and the movie stars

Two days of meetings to celebrate an important anniversary of an absolute motoring icon in Italy. A cocktail at Villa Wolkonsky, the residence of the British Ambassador Jill Morris, on the afternoon of May 14th. And a very British day, the next day, on the lawns of the Acquedotto Romano Polo Club. These are the events that the Jaguar Drivers’ club of Italy, official representative of the oldest and most prestigious Jaguar association in the United Kingdom, has organized to celebrate 60 years of the most famous model of the Coventry car manufacturer, the legendary Jaguar E. It was a car that significantly revolutionized the aesthetic canons of the time and challenged the very concept of “sports car”. Monocoque chassis, four disc brakes, independent rear suspension, very fast (it reached 240 km / h), beautiful and aerodynamic: presented in March ’61 at the Geneva Motor Show in the coupĂ© version, the Jaguar E-Type was so appreciated that the top the company decided to immediately add the spider model to it. A pilot left Coventry overnight and was in Geneva the next morning. The reception at the embassy will celebrate many of the Italian owners of that model so avant-garde as to be preferred by Steve McQueen, Tony Curtis, George Best, George Harrison, Elton John, Rita Pavone (who wanted it all pink) and Diabolik, who he rightly preferred black, the color of the night (Eva Kant, his accomplice and companion, had it white). The meeting at the Acquedotto Romano Polo Club organized in collaboration with the Scuderia Jaguar Storiche will be open to all Jaguar enthusiasts as well as owners of English cars and motorcycles: barbecues, rivers of beer, Polo competition between the Jaguar Drivers’ teams. Club Italia and that of the Jaguar E-Type in an estate of over 80 hectares on the outskirts of Rome. Always in compliance with anti-Covid regulations and with a fundraiser in favor of the Operation Smile Italia non-profit foundation to treat children born with facial deformities in Italy and in the rest of the world.