Covid vaccine, Pope’s appeal for universal access and patent suspension

New urgent appeal by the Pope for universal access to the anti Covid vaccine and the suspension of patents to encourage the distribution of vaccines to all. “God the Creator infuses in our hearts a new and generous spirit to abandon our individualism and promotion of the common good: a spirit of justice that mobilizes us to guarantee universal access to the vaccine and the temporary suspension of intellectual property rights; a of communion that allows us to generate a different, more inclusive, just and sustainable economic model “, Bergoglio warns in a video message to the participants of” Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World “, a charity concert organized by Global Citizen to support distribution fair global vaccine. “A cordial greeting from this elderly person, who does not dance and sing like you, but who believes with you that injustice and evil are not invincible – the Pope begins in the video message -. The coronavirus has caused death and suffering, striking the life of everyone, especially the most vulnerable. Please do not forget the most vulnerable. Do not forget the limit. Furthermore, the pandemic has contributed to aggravating the existing social and environmental crises, as you young people always remind us. remember it “. “In the face of so much darkness and uncertainty – observes Francis – light and hope are necessary. We need paths of healing and salvation. And I mean a healing of the roots, which heals the cause of the disease and does not remain only in the symptoms. In these roots sick we find the virus of individualism, which does not make us more free or more equal or more brothers, on the contrary it makes us indifferent to the suffering of others “. “A variant of this virus – Francis warns – is closed nationalism, which prevents, for example, an internationalism of vaccines. Another variant is when we put the laws of the market or intellectual property on the laws of love and health of humanity. Another variant is when we create and promote a sick economy, which allows a very rich few, a very rich few, to own more than the rest of humanity, and patterns of production and consumption destroy the planet. our ‘common home’. These things are interconnected. ” Bergoglio reminds us once again that “the pandemic puts us all in crisis, but let’s not forget that we do not come out the same from a crisis, or we get better or worse. The problem is having the inventiveness to find better ways. God, doctor and savior of all, he consoles the suffering, welcomes into his kingdom those who have already departed. And I also ask this God for us, pilgrims on earth, to grant us the gift of a new brotherhood, a universal solidarity, that we can recognize the good and the beauty that he sowed in each of us, to strengthen the bonds of unity, of common projects, of shared hopes “.