Covid today Italy, 1,723 infections and 52 deaths: June 12 bulletin

There are 1,723 new coronavirus infections in Italy today, 12 June, according to the data – region by region – in the Civil Protection bulletin. Another 52 deaths have been recorded since yesterday, bringing the total deaths in the country to 126,976 since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. In the last 24 hours, 212,966 swabs were processed, the positivity rate is 0.8%. There are 574 patients admitted to intensive care (-23 since yesterday), with 25 admissions on the day. Region by region data: LAZIOS There are 164 new coronavirus infections in Lazio according to data from today’s bulletin, 12 June. There are another 8 deaths. “Today out of almost 8 thousand swabs in Lazio (-1,303) and over 19 thousand antigenic for a total of almost 27 thousand tests, 164 new positive cases are recorded (-5), deaths are 8 (-4), hospitalized are 481 (- 31). 953 recovered, intensive therapies are 102 (-1). The ratio between positives and swabs is 2.1%, but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 0.6%. Cases in Rome city are at an altitude of 61. The trend is proceeding from the white zone “, reports, in a note, the councilor for Health and Social-Health Integration of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato. As regards the vaccination campaign, after the” new provisions of the Ministry of Health on AstraZeneca vaccinations proceed regularly, in an orderly manner, and there is no discomfort “, says D’Amato. There is a “great demand for clarification from users especially on AstraZeneca recalls, our operators are providing all the necessary information”. The commissioner reminds that “from today the Vaxzevria vaccine (AstraZeneca) is administered exclusively to citizens over 60 (starting from the age of 60 already)” and that “all reservations are confirmed”. PUGLIAS 140 new coronavirus infections in Puglia according to data from today’s bulletin, 12 June. There are another 3 deaths. Since yesterday 5,944 swabs have been tried. The new cases are distributed throughout the territory: 43 in the province of Bari, 22 in the province of Brindisi, 23 in the province of Bat, 12 in the province of Foggia, 15 in the province of Lecce, 23 in the province of Taranto, 1 case of resident outside the region , 1 case of unknown province of residence. Yesterday there were still 140 new cases out of 5,684 tests. In all, 6,588 people died in Puglia due to the coronavirus. Since the beginning of the emergency, 2,567,120 tests have been carried out. 231,760 patients recovered while yesterday they were 231,088 (+672). There are currently 13,812 positive cases (-535 from yesterday). The hospitalized patients are 289 (-5). The total of positive Covid cases in Puglia since the beginning of the emergency is 252,160 divided as follows: 94,915 in the province of Bari; 25,490 in the province of Bat; 19,587 in the province of Brindisi; 45,011 in the province of Foggia; 26,764 in the province of Lecce; 39,222 in the province of Taranto; 803 attributed to residents outside the region; 368 province of residence not known.TUSCANY There are 146 new coronavirus infections in Tuscany according to data from today’s bulletin, June 12, anticipated on social networks by the president of the region Eugenio Giani. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 146 out of 16.238 tests of which 6.937 molecular swabs and 9.301 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 0.90% (3.1% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani. As for vaccines, the Tuscan governor announces that 2,475,672 have been administered so far. Currently positive in Tuscany are 4,573 today, -4.5% compared to yesterday. There are 274 hospitalized (31 fewer than yesterday), of which 70 in intensive care (3 fewer). There are another 5 deaths. There are 67,136 total cases to date in Florence (37 more than yesterday), 22,510 in Prato (18 more), 22,938 in Pistoia (5 more), 13,296 in Massa (4 more), 24,591 in Lucca (13 more), 29,162 in Pisa (9 more), 17,449 in Livorno (8 more), 22,804 in Arezzo (13 more), 13,801 in Siena (17 more), 9,010 in Grosseto (22 more). 555 positive cases have been reported in Tuscany, but resident in other regions. Since yesterday, according to what has been announced by the Region, 2252 swabs have been processed: 1070 in the new diagnosis path (of which 340 screening with Antigenic pathway) and 1182 in the healed path (the positive ratio tested is 3.2%). There are 34 positives in the new diagnosis process (15 in the province of Macerata, 6 in the province of Ancona, 3 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 2 in the province of Fermo, 6 in the province of Ascoli Piceno and 2 outside the region). symptomatic subjects (8 cases detected), contacts in the home setting (9 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (10 cases detected), contacts in the work setting (2 cases detected), contacts in the care setting (1 cases detected), contacts from outside the region (1 case reported). Three cases are in the process of epidemiological investigation. In the screening process, 340 antigen tests were carried out and 2 subjects detected positive (to be subjected to the molecular swab), with a positive / tested ratio of 1%. VALLE D’AOSTA There are two new infections from Covid -19 registered today, 12 June, in Valle d’Aosta which bring the overall total of people affected by the virus since the beginning of the epidemic to 11,655. There are no victims. The data are contained in the regional health update bulletin according to which the current positives are 101, -11 compared to yesterday, of which three hospitalized and 98 in home isolation. On the other hand, no patient was admitted to intensive care. The recovered reached 11,082 units, +13 compared to yesterday, the swabs carried out to date are 134,156, + 332, of which 35,552 processed with rapid unsanitary tests. The deaths of people tested positive for the virus in Valle d’Aosta since the beginning of the emergency are 472.BASILICATA There are 15 new coronavirus infections in Basilicata according to data from the bulletin today, 12 June. There have been no deaths in the past 24 hours. 823 molecular swabs have been processed since yesterday. There are 52 healed or negativized Lucanians. With this update, the currently positive cases are 2,931 (-39). There are 38 (-4) hospitalized in the hospitals of Potenza and Matera, none of whom are in intensive care. For the vaccination, 4,229 administrations were made yesterday. So far 250,495 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (45.3 per cent) and 130,157 those who have also received the second dose (23.5 per cent) for a total of 380,652 administered doses. new infections from Coronavirus in Calabria according to today’s bulletin, 12 June. The table refers to another 2 deaths. In the last 24 hours there have been 61 healed. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 1,207 victims in the region. There are 23 more people in isolation for Coronavirus than yesterday, while hospitalized people are decreasing, 6 fewer in the last 24 hours. The intensive care units employed are stable, ten like yesterday. PIEDMONT There are 90 new infections from Coronavirus in Piedmont according to today’s bulletin, 12 June. The table refers to another 4 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 22,272 swabs were made, of which 17,068 antigenic with a 0.4% positive percentage. There are 45 inmates in intensive care, two fewer than yesterday. There are 325 inpatients not in intensive care, 26 fewer than yesterday. There are 2,386 people in home isolation. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 11,674 victims in the Region. EMILIA ROMAGNA There are 105 new infections from Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, 12 June. No other dead since yesterday. ” The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made since yesterday is 0.6% ”, the Emilia Romagna Region communicates. Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues, also extended to the under 40s. In Emilia-Romagna, in fact, bookings for 35-39 year olds are open from Thursday (therefore those born between 1982 and 1986), after the start, on Monday 7, of those for children between 12 and 19 years old. We will then proceed, in a staggered manner, in personal order. After the 30-34 year olds, to follow with windows spaced two or three days apart will be the turn of the other age groups. SARDINIA There are 20 new infections from Coronavirus in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, 12 June. No other dead since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 3,725 tests have been carried out. Since the beginning of the pandemic on the island there have been 1,483 deaths from Coronavirus. On the other hand, 85 people are currently hospitalized in the medical area, two more than yesterday, while the number of patients equal to 5 in intensive care is stable, where there are no new entries. There are 11,981 people in home isolation and a total of 43,443 healed, 22 more than yesterday. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Sassari at 12, Cagliari at 5 and 3 at Nuoro.

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