Valeria Solesin Award 2021, the mother: “Bataclan process collective catharsis”

“We must allow the victims to be part of the story. The opportunity that this process offers everyone to be able to speak and express their thoughts is extremely important. This process clarifies the facts but it is also a great operation of collective catharsis, a great reconstruction of the conscience of the French nation. I was in Paris in the days following the massacre and the city was on its knees. In the process I see a great desire for redemption by France. Giving ample space to people’s testimony is very important “. Thus Luciana Milani, the mother of Valeria Solesin killed following the terrorist attack at the Bataclan theater, who told, on the occasion of the V edition of the Valeria Solesin Award, her experience at the maxi trial for the terrorist attacks launched on November 13, 2015 in France, including those at the Bataclan theater. Read also “The victims of this tragedy were 131 but one thing that is not often thought of are the injured, who have undergone operations, amputations. It is a truly devastating panorama. This process – he adds – is a strictly French fact and internally, the theme of nationalities is not particularly emphasized. I think the French press should give a greater impulse to the sense of European belonging. It is almost incomprehensible how any young boy can become an agent of death in this way, by killing his own same peers “. “Part of my speech at the trial concerned the sentence pronounced by the terrorist Salah ‘nothing personal’. This – he concludes – is a sentence of disconcerting conventionality and banality. Words matter. I don’t know if there will be a hold among the defendants of conscience. Their personalities are still obscure. The subjective aspect of pain is always on one side, while manifestations like today’s are on another and they are two tracks that do not meet. My participation in these events it stems from the desire to stay in touch with the new generations and pass on something to them “.

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