Covid today Veneto, 2,362 infections and 10 deaths: November 30 bulletin

There are 2,362 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, November 30, 2021, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. “For 4 days we have exceeded 2,000 infections. To tell the truth, these 2,362 were intercepted with 138,491 swabs, a gigantic number. The incidence is 1.7%, still contained”, says Governor Luca Zaia. Recorded 10 more deaths. Covid hospitalized patients are 658 (+47). There are 553 (+40) people in the non-critical area, while the positives in intensive care are 105 (+7). There are 318 non-covid ICUs, “it’s a painful figure: on average we have 350 people in ICU, it’s the first sign of the reduction in hospital activity that begins to suffer the pressure of the covid patient,” says Zaia. “When you start having 100” covid patients “in the ICU it becomes another world.”