Waste, finance project contract signed between Srr Palermo and Asja Ambiente

The contract for the concession through a financial project for the final and executive design, construction and subsequent management of a plant for the treatment of waste from separate collection and the valorisation of the residual fraction from the 38 shareholder municipalities. The Asja Company is an international group that operates in the field of the environment and the production of energy from renewable sources. Established in 1995, the Asja group has grown continuously, developing the specific skills to successfully tackle all the problems related to the production and management of energy from renewable sources, in any condition they arise, through the design and construction of the most advanced technological and financial solutions, in compliance with national and international regulations. The plant, designed on behalf of Asja Ambiente Italia spa by the engineering company Owac srl, which will be built in the Municipality of Castellana Sicula in an area adjacent to the current landfill, will allow the enhancement of the wet fraction of separate waste collection through a digestion section anerobic for the production of biomethane and the treatment, with material recovery, of the residual fraction. Added to this is the pre-processing and safety of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and the pre-treatment of bulky waste. SRR President Daniela Fiandaca stresses that “Environmental sustainability is a universal value and the signing of the contract marks a turning point for the waste management of our Province. This system is necessary and will guarantee the self-sufficiency of the local area and the stability of tariffs for citizens. With the initiative put in place, the SRR Palermo Provincia Est has shown farsightedness and determination, in fact, the plant pole that will be built in the Castellana Sicula area closes the waste cycle and fills the gap suffered up to now no longer tolerable “.

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