The situation of children’s rights at the center of a meeting in the Lazio Regional Council

An important conference today in the Regional Council to celebrate the day dedicated to the rights of children and adolescents, which occurred on November 20: according to President Marco Vincenzi, “the removal of inequalities and the fight against violence are the words of order that arise from this day of work “. Vincenzi added that the commitment he makes today must last 365 days and thanked the speakers and students of the ‘Tor Carbone’ school who attended the Mechelli room. “To date, not all children’s rights are guaranteed,” said Monica Sansoni, regional guarantor of childhood and adolescence, from whose initiative this day was born. “But every right has a corresponding duty and our duty is to ensure the rights of minors”, starting with participation and listening, he continued. Sansoni’s idea is to set up a technical table in which minors are the protagonists of the study and analysis of the phenomena that concern them. “Descending every day to hell” is the description of the work of the juvenile court of Rome given by the president Lidia Salerno, to exemplify the variety of abuses and lack of rights that characterize the situation of many minors. Starting from the most banal case, that of children victims of problematic separations, up to cases of real abuse and the difficult conditions of immigrant and refugee minors, the overall picture is impressive, added President Salerno. The new president of the Capitoline assembly Svetlana Celli said, following, that there are never enough initiatives to be taken to honor and bring to life the convention for the rights of the child, which is now 30 years old but has never been so relevant . The first thought of Eleonora Mattia, president of the IX commission of the Regional Council, which is in charge of the competences on the subject, went to the boy killed a few days ago in the province of Viterbo. Covid has widened already existing fractures that have affected especially young people, said Mattia, who proudly recalled the approval in Lazio of law 7 of 2020 on the integrated education and education system for the 0-6 age group, first in Italy. At the end of his speech, a memory also of Willy Monteiro, a boy killed in Frosinone for having helped a friend. A square will be dedicated to him, as well as a prize for schools, concluded Mattia. The spokesman for Unicef ​​Italy Andrea Iacomini recalled in his speech that even today in Europe there are children who die of cold, news of just a few days ago. or at sea in an attempt to reach places of life that are safer and more comfortable than those from which they come. In his opinion, the urgency of a law such as that on ius soli is strong, also and above all with reference to minors, who are quantifiable in one million, who live in Italy in a situation of denied rights. Enrico Serpieri in charge of Save the Children, who recalled how the basic problem remains inequality, also and above all with reference to minors and their rights. Even in our context, however, there are significant differences in the problematic nature of the juvenile condition between the various parts of the peninsula. The hope, concluded Serpieri, is that, thanks above all to the structural funds and the ESF plus, there is a lot of money available for social policies. To bring the point of view of the educational institution, Raffaella Briani, representative of the national association of public managers and high professionalism in the school, according to which the stability of the school staff is the key to personalizing school paths and being able to listen to children, and the manager of the Lazio regional school office, Azzurra Mottolese, who focused her speech on the problems of dad, especially in rural areas. The director of the Rome Postal Police department Daniele De Martino highlighted how the lives of young people now take place mainly on social media, which are places of meeting, recognition and obviously also for the commission of crimes. But even the information conveyed on social media is often untrue because it is not from a genuine source, added the police officer. Laura Cartaginese, councilor and vice-president of the IX council commission, centered the focus on poverty, not only economic, that afflicts the world of minors. The lack of sporting practice is also very widespread and very dangerous in the future, according to Carthaginian. For the councilor for regional welfare Alessandra Troncarelli, who was entrusted with the conclusions, “we need to overturn the cliché that there are no resources”. Troncarelli also wondered why the 0-3 range is not included in the public education system. In any case, at the end of his speech, today’s meeting was defined as a good moment of confrontation.

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