Covid today Italy, “Delta plus variant 50 times stronger”

Covid today Italy, Delta plus variant “50 times stronger than the original strain”. This was stated to Adnkronos Salute by Arnaldo Caruso, president of the Italian Society of Virology (Siv-Isv). “Between those who have not yet had the vaccine and those who do not want to do it, it becomes a problem to manage the situation right now, with such an aggressive virus” as Sars-CoV-2 proves to be even with the new Indian variant, the AY. 4.2, renamed Delta plus, which “according to the latest studies is 50 times stronger than the original strain”. Stronger because “more efficient in replication”, therefore able to run very fast, risking to prevail over the others in the future, he explains. “From a work that has just come out, which therefore needs to be validated – underlines the expert, full professor of microbiology and clinical microbiology at the University of Brescia and director of the microbiology laboratory of Asst Spedali Civili – it would seem that this new Delta variant”, in addition to some mutations in the Spike protein used by the pandemic coronavirus to ‘lock onto’ target cells, “it also has a mutation of an internal protein, an N protein or nucleoprotein, which could help make it more aggressive” although “absolutely – it does specify Caruso – at this moment no longer able to ‘pierce’ the vaccine shield “. Compared to the Delta variant currently dominant, the Delta plus” is still a minority in Italy – confirms the number one of Italian virologists – But in England it is spreading remarkably, proving to be able to ‘take the stage’. Looking at what is happening in England “, according to the expert the mutant AY.4.2 “could also become dominant in the future”.

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