Covid, Aspirin does not increase hospitalized survival: the study

Aspirin does not increase the survival of patients hospitalized for Covid-19, according to a study called ‘Recovery’ which evaluated, among different therapies, also the effects of the administration of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on acetylsalicylic acid in Covid patients hospitalized. Patients with Covid-19 have in fact an increased risk of thrombosis, and Aspirin is widely administered in other diseases to prevent the formation of clots in blood vessels. Between November 2020 and March 2021, the trial involved nearly 15,000 patients hospitalized for Covid-19. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: 7,351 received 150 milligrams of Aspirin once a day, 7,541 the usual therapies provided. The authors thus observed that the group treated with aspirin had a hospital stay of 8 days versus 9 in the control group, and that in the aspirin arm 75% versus 74% was discharged alive within 28 days. For every thousand patients treated with the drug, about 6 more had a major bleeding event and about 6 fewer a thromboembolic event. “The data show that, in patients hospitalized with Covid-19, aspirin was not associated a reduction in mortality at 28 days, or in the risk of switching to invasive mechanical ventilation or death, ” says Peter Horby, an infectious disease specialist with the Nuffield Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford, co-coordinator of the study. a small increase in the likelihood of being discharged alive, this does not seem to be sufficient to justify its widespread use in Covid patients “.” There has been a strong indication that blood clot formation may be responsible for the deterioration of lung function and death in patients with severe Covid – observes Martin Landray, epidemiologist of the same department and co-coordinator of the trial – Aspirin is inexpensive and extensive used in other diseases to reduce the risk of thrombosis, so it disappoints that it has not had a major impact on these patients. This is why large randomized trials are so important: determining which treatments work and which don’t. “