Woman dies in hospital, relatives devastate emergency room

A woman dies in the emergency room, relatives devastate everything. It happened at the civic hospital in Palermo last night. A lady of about 60 arrived yesterday evening in critical condition. The doctors tried to rescue her: when they communicated the death to the relatives, chaos broke out. The area was devastated and security guards were attacked. Police intervention was needed to restore order. “To destroy an emergency room, manned by security guards, is a violent, reckless, unbearable act. It cannot be justified by the pain of the disappearance of a relative, who arrived in very serious and desperate conditions. The emergency room, like the hospital in general, it is a place of suffering and hope, of life and death. We cannot praise the heroes in lab coats and then let ourselves be overwhelmed by the emotionality that becomes violence. My feeling of solidarity goes to the doctors and operators of the Civic of Palermo ” , writes on Facebook the regional councilor for health, Ruggero Razza.

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