Young man died overwhelmed by cars in Cosentino, a road pirate stopped

It happened in Settimo di Montalto Uffugo. The 31-year-old, who did not stop to help the woman, allegedly said he continued because he didn’t notice anything A 31-year-old was stopped by the carabinieri because they were believed to be the perpetrator of the investment that cost the life of a 27-year-old Nigerian woman , died shortly after being admitted to the ‘Annunziata’ hospital in Cosenza. The tragedy happened last night in Settimo di Montalto Uffugo, in the province of Cosenza. According to what emerged from the investigations, the man, who was driving a van, did not stop to help the woman. He would have said to the carabinieri that he had continued because he did not notice anything, except for a noise which, however, connected to a hole in the road.

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