Covid, Lopalco: “Lockdown for without vaccine? Better Green pass extended”

Lockdown only for those who do not have the Covid vaccine? “Extensive use of the Green pass and the limitation of granting it only to those who are vaccinated or have a vaccination exemption for health reasons would, I think, be more applicable and equally effective.” This is how Pier Luigi Lopalco, epidemiologist and health councilor of Puglia responds to Adnkronos Health, commenting on the Austrian model of the lockdown for the unvaccinated. And on the hypothesis of not treating no vax, Lopalco explains: “Not treating those who get sick or charging for treatment if they have not been vaccinated is not part of our culture. And it clashes with our universal health service. push more and more those who do not want to get vaccinated to do so “. “The forecasts for Christmas are not negative compared to the pandemic. The signs at the moment are not worrying. If the vaccination program continues at the current pace, I believe that we will be able to avoid winter pandemic waves”, adds the epidemiologist and health councilor of Puglia.

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